web://❤ A web related blog by Christian Engel

Updates about react hook router

Version 1.2.1

It's been about a month, since I released my initial version of hookrouter [https://www.npmjs.com/package/hookrouter]. Lots of things happened since then.

First of all: thanks for all the feedback and love I received for publishing the project. Lots of comments and upvotes on reddit, tons of tweets, several mentions in big react newsletters! This motivated me a lot to keep working and improving on the initial version. Today, I released version 1.2.1 of hookrouter [https://www.npmjs.com/package/hookrouter] on npm.

Improved documentation I sat down and wrote docs about every feature contained in the package and how to use them. Since I could not decide on a documentation system right now, the docs are hosted simply as hypertext formatted markdown inside the github project [https://github.com/Paratron/hookrouter/blob/master/src-docs/pages/en/README.md] . But now about the new stuff:

Intercepting Navigation Intents This was probably one of the most asked for features that made it into the package. You can now prevent the user from navigating away from a given route completely. Or you can delay the navigation. Or you can rewrite it. Lots of possibilities! One user mentioned that he used the feature to implement page transition animations with just a couple lines of code [https://github.com/Paratron/hookrouter/issues/47#issuecomment-487213281]. Usually you would use it to prevent your user to accidentially navigate away from unsaved changes.

While there is a very granular possibility to intercept navigation [https://github.com/Paratron/hookrouter/blob/master/src-docs/pages/en/03_navigation.md#intercepting-navigation-intents] , most users will certainly rely on the useControlledInterceptor() hook:

const GuardedForm = () => { const [nextPath, confirmNavigation, resetPath, stopInterception] = useControlledInterceptor();

const handleSubmit = () => {

return (
        {nextPath && (
        ) }
        <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>


This is all code you need to cancel a user navigation, ask if he's sure he want to leave and let him continue editing, if not. All with custom confirmation UI.

Utilizing URL Query Parameters While it is not used for routing directly, utilizing query parameters comes in handy when you want to mirror parts of your application state into the URL to enable your users to copy them. If you have for example a product overview page and want to provide controls to filter it - its handy to put the filter values into the URL.

I added a useQueryParams() hook that will return those query parameters as javascript object. And you can even update the params using the hook - causing all components that hooked into the params to re-render. Its a bit like a globally shared state hook, but shhhh - dont misuse it! ?

const SearchWidget = ({onSearch}) => { const [queryParams, setQueryParams] = useQueryParams();

const {
    // Use object destructuring and a default value
    // if the param is not yet present in the URL.
    q = ''
} = queryParams;

const [searchBuffer, setSearchBuffer] = React.useState(q);

const searchHandler = () => {
    setQueryParams({q: searchBuffer});

return (
        <input type="search" value={searchBuffer} onChange={(e) => setSearchBuffer(e.currentTarget.value)} />
        <button onClick={searchHandler}>Search now</button>


Serverside Rendering Rendering your application serverside in a node environment is now also possible. SSR was also one of the first features users asked for, since its important for SEO or just being nice to users with JS disabled and/or slow network.

You can set the path name before rendering in react and the router will honor it even in node:

const React = require('react'); const {renderToString} = require('react-dom/server'); const hookrouter = require('hookrouter');


import App from './App';

const result = renderToString();


Internal redirects will also be applied and can - if needed - be read again from the router to perform actual HTTP redirects. Read more about serverside rendering [https://github.com/Paratron/hookrouter/blob/master/src-docs/pages/en/05_serverside-rendering.md] .

Other Features Last, but not least:

Upgrade to hookrouter@1.2.1 today, to use all those features. The bundle size grew from the initial 1.8kb to about 3.2kb, but hey - thats still only 30% of react-router-dom.